42 Hampton E, Seguin, TX 78155
Property Photos
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Priced at Only: $197,700
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Address: 42 Hampton E, Seguin, TX 78155
Property Location and Similar Properties
- MLS#: 1803656 ( Land )
- Street Address: 42 Hampton E
- Viewed: 42
- Price: $197,700
- Price sqft: $11
- Waterfront: No
- Year Built: Not Available
- Bldg sqft: 17424
- Days On Market: 120
Payment Calculator
- Principal & Interest -
- Property Tax $
- Home Insurance $
- HOA Fees $
- Monthly -
Building and Construction
- Front Footage: 85
- Frontage: City Street
- Source Sqft: Appsl Dist
- Terrain: Level
School Information
- Elementary School: Jefferson
- High School: Seguin
- Middle School: Saegert
- School District: Seguin
- School Tax: 1.166
- Septic System: Allowed
- Trees: Few, Mature
- Utilities Available: Water System, Well Allowed, Electric, Telephone
- Utilities On Site: Electric, Telephone
Finance and Tax Information
- Days On Market: 117
- Home Owners Association Mandatory: Voluntary
- Other Tax: 0.05
- Total Tax: 2.0016
Other Features
- Contract: Exclusive Right To Sell
- Depth Feet: 182
- Description: Improved
- Improvements: Curbs/Gutters, Fire Hydrant w/in 500, City Street
- Instdir: From I-10 East, exit Hwy 46 South. Turn left onto Hwy 90 and then right onto 123. Left onto E Noite St, then right onto Glen Cove Dr.
- Legal Desc Lot: 77
- Legal Description: LOT: 27 BLK: ADDN: GLEN COVE
- Location: In Subdivision, Waterfront, Level, Unimproved Water Front, Meadow Lake
- Miscellaneous: Flood Plain
- Ph To Show: 2102222227
- Restrictions: Not Applicable/None
- Site Area Features: Boat Ramp, Fishing
- Views: 42
Owner Information
- Owner Lrealreb: Yes
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- Fred Santangelo
- Premier Realty Group
- Mobile: 210.710.1177
- Mobile: 210.710.1177
- Mobile: 210.710.1177
- fredsantangelo@gmail.com